Results for 'Jörg Jochen Berns'

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  1.  5
    Das enzyklopädische Gedächtnis der Frühen Neuzeit: Enzyklopädie- und Lexikonartikel zur Mnemonik.Jörg Jochen Berns & Wolfgang Neuber (eds.) - 1998 - Tübingen: de Gruyter.
    Der Band präsentiert die 21 wichtigsten Enzyklopädie- und Lexikonartikel des 16. bis 19. Jahrhunderts zum Themenfeld "Gedächtnis, Gedächtnislehre, Gedächtniskunst" mit Kommentaren, Übersetzungen (aus dem Lateinischen, Italienischen und Spanischen), ausführlicher Bibliographie und einem Nachwort, das das Verhältnis von frühneuzeitlicher Mnemonik und Enzyklopädik erörtert. Eröffnet wird hiermit eine mehrbändige Reihe »Documenta Mnemonica« (ca. 6 Bände), die die wichtigsten einschlägigen Zeugnisse seit der Antike bis zum Ende der Frühen Neuzeit in mehrsprachigen, kommentierten Quelleneditionen, Quellenverzeichnissen und Forschungsbibliographien dem internationalen Wissenschaftsdiskurs bequem und verläßlich zugänglich (...)
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    Instrumental Sound and Ruling Spaces of Resonance in the Early Modern Period: On the Acoustic Setting of the Princely potestas Claims within a Ceremonial Frame.Jörg Jochen Berns - 2008 - In Jan Lazardzig, Ludger Schwarte & Helmar Schramm (eds.), Theatrum Scientiarum - English Edition, Volume 2, Instruments in Art and Science: On the Architectonics of Cultural Boundaries in the 17th Century. De Gruyter. pp. 479-506.
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    Theatrum Scientiarum - English Edition, Volume 2, Instruments in Art and Science: On the Architectonics of Cultural Boundaries in the 17th Century.Jan Lazardzig, Ludger Schwarte & Helmar Schramm (eds.) - 2008 - De Gruyter.
    Dieser Band versammelt originäre Beiträge am Schnittpunkt von Philosophie, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Kultur- und Theaterwissenschaft. Auf der Grundlage von Falluntersuchungen zum 17. Jahrhundert trägt er zum Verständnis der Rolle bei, die Instrumente im Schnittfeld von Wissenschaft und Kunst spielen. Die Beiträge verfolgen dabei die Hypothese, dass die Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Instrumenten wesentlich zur Eröffnung neuer Felder des Wissens, zur Entstehung neuer kultureller Praktiken, aber auch zur Abgrenzung bestimmter Genres, Methoden und Disziplinen beiträgt. Diese Perspektive führt die Beiträge dieses Bandes dazu, auf (...)
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  4. Ars memorativa: zur kulturgeschichtlichen Bedeutung der Gedächtniskunst 1400-1750.Jörg Jochen Berns & Wolfgang Neuber (eds.) - 1993 - Tübingen: Niemeyer.
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    Cognitive Performance and Psychological Distress in Breast Cancer Patients at Disease Onset.Jochen Kaiser, Jörg Dietrich, Miena Amiri, Isa Rüschel, Hazal Akbaba, Nonda Hantke, Klaus Fliessbach, Bianca Senf, Christine Solbach & Christoph Bledowski - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A Diffusion Model Analysis of Magnitude Comparison in Children with and without Dyscalculia: Care of Response and Ability Are Related to Both Mathematical Achievement and Stimuli.Carsten Szardenings, Jörg-Tobias Kuhn, Jochen Ranger & Heinz Holling - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Modeling Evaluations of Low-Level Sounds in Everyday Situations Using Linear Machine Learning for Variable Selection.Siegbert Versümer, Jochen Steffens, Patrick Blättermann & Jörg Becker-Schweitzer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Psychometric Properties of the Bern Illegitimate Tasks Scale – Spanish Version.Denisse Lizette Valdivieso Portilla, Angélica Gonzalez Rosero, Geovanny Alvarado-Villa & Jorge Moncayo-Rizzo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In recent years, a new factor for work stress has been studied along with stress as an offense to self-theory. Illegitimate tasks refer to assignments that are unnecessary or are not related to the employee’s role. Because of this, the Bern Illegitimate Tasks Scale was developed, which measures illegitimate tasks in terms of unreasonable tasks and unnecessary tasks. There are no studies in Latin America on illegitimate tasks, so the purpose of this research is to translate and validate the Bern (...)
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    Religión, Moral, Política y Mística: Continuidad y ruptura entre Hegel y Kant en la época de Berna (1793-1796).Jorge R. Seibold - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (2):579 - 592.
    A época de Berna (1793-1796) na vida do jovem Hegel marca um período de "proximidade", por um lado, e depois de progressivo "distanciamento", para não dizer mesmo de clara "ruptura", por outro lado, com o pensamento de Kant. O presente artigo visa primeiro precisar qual foi o teor dessa aproximação que se produziu em Hegel com relação a Kant para depois determinar qual foi o seu distanciamento. Na época de Tübingen, Hegel procurou elaborar o seu ideal juvenil com a ajuda (...)
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  10. Lying at the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface.Jörg Meibauer - unknown
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    Solovay-Type Characterizations for Forcing-Algebras.Jörg Brendle & Benedikt Löwe - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (3):1307-1323.
    We give characterizations for the sentences "Every $\Sigma^1_2$-set is measurable" and "Every $\Delta^1_2$-set is measurable" for various notions of measurability derived from well-known forcing partial orderings.
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  12. Between man and man.Jörg Alvermann & Michael Streck - 1947 - London : New York: Routledge. Edited by Ronald Gregor Smith.
    Martin Buber believed that life's deepest truth lies in human relationships. In this classic work he puts this belief into practice, applying it to the concrete problems of contemporary society.
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    Introduction: 40 Years after Discipline and Punish.Jörg Bernardy & Frieder Vogelmann - 2017 - Foucault Studies 23:4-9.
    This introduction diagnoses two tendencies among Foucaultian scholars with regard to Michel Foucault’s Discipline and Punish: While the book was initially enthusiastically embraced and its central concepts – above all “discipline” and “panopticism” – were used almost too frequently, these very concepts were often thought to be superseded by Foucault’s own development in the governmentality lectures and beyond. The articles in the special issue, however, demonstrate that Discipline and Punish, read carefully with neither uncritical enthusiasm nor progressivist dismissal, has still (...)
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    Rechtskritik: Prolegomena zu einer Jurisprudenz als Universalwissenchaft.Jörg Benedict - 2009 - Rechtstheorie 40 (3):337-378.
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    Mitteilung der Societas Ethica über eine Dissertationenkartei.Jörg Bopp - 1967 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 11 (1):192-217.
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    Wenn Millionen eine Reise tun.Jörg Hübner - 2002 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 46 (1):214-226.
    Tourism is a less observed subject in theological ethics. In traditional theological ethics tourism is only understood as escape from everyday's Iife or as an expression ofpeople finding to themselves away from their daily routine. Both of those ways of looking at the theme of tourism don't allow to Iook at the subject in a responsible way regarding all the consequences oftoday's tourism since it plays an important role in the economy with enormaus rates of growth. Those facts challenge theological (...)
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    Die Rückkehr des Glücks: Die philosophische Wiederentdeckung des guten Lebens als Herausforderung für die theologische Ethik.Jörg Lauster - 2003 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 47 (1):248-263.
    The issue of happiness makes a significant re-entrance into contemporary philosophical thought. From the perspective of individual ethics, two aspects take center-stage: the continuation of the program of Eudaimonia as reasonable self-determination towards good and the experience of momentary episodic happiness which surpasses the individual quest. This essay tries to combine these elements into a theological notion ofhappiness by arguing for re-evaluation ofthe quest-driven approach ofEudaimonia that in turn has obtained its impulse through a momentary experience of transcendence.
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  18. Ein modernes Konzept des interaktiven Dualismus.Jörg Neunhäuserer - forthcoming - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy:21.
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    Grammatik und Ideologie.Jörg Zeller - 1976 - [S.N.].
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    Platons Ideenlehre als Metaphysik. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit der sprachanalytischen Philosophie.Jörg Disse - 1998 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 105 (2):267.
    Against the general view of analytical Plato-research I intend to show that Plato's Theory of Ideas can today still be interpreted as metaphysics in a positive sense. With the late Wittgenstein I concede that by hypostasizing concepts it is not possible to posit any kind of transcendance. However for Plato this was not the true reason for his metaphysical interpretation of Ideas, but - as G. Vlastos also notices - a metaphysical experience as it is described in particular in the (...)
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    Free Banking Theory and Theoreticians: A comment on Le Maux.Jörg Guido Hülsmann - 2000 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 10 (1):157-168.
    Cette réaction est suscitée par l’article de Laurent Le Maux, récemment publié dans ce Journal. Le Maux affirme que Ludwig von Mises était le défenseur d’un système de réserves fractionnaires et un précurseur des économistes contemporains partisans des réserves fractionnaires. Nous critiquons la manière dont Le Maux utilise la littérature ancienne dans ce domaine, et nous montrons qu’il n’est pas suffisamment au fait des travaux de Mises et des problèmes qui divisent les défenseurs et les opposants du système de réserves (...)
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  22. Nelson – Kritische Naturphilosophie.Kay Herrmann Jörg Schroth - 2004 - Winter.
    Metaphysics as the foundation of science, philosophy as an exact method to discover this foundation: These are central themes in the Kant-Friesian philosophy which, at the beginning of the 20th century, Leonard Nelson, using the methods of mathematical axiomatics, further developed into interdisciplinary research programmes. Nelson carried out this research programme in his ethics but his untimely death prevented a systematic presentation of his natural philosophy and his doctrine of method. The present volume contains four transcripts of his seminars on (...)
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    Conflicting imperatives and dyadic deontic logic.Jörg Hansen - 2005 - Journal of Applied Logic 3 (3-4):484-511.
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    Logik des Scheins. Kant über theoretische und praktische Selbsttäuschung.Jörg Noller - 2021 - Kant Studien 112 (1):23-50.
    In this paper, I will reconstruct Kant’s theory of illusion from the perspective of his transcendental philosophy. I argue that it is Kant’s theory of dialectic as the “logic of illusion” that grounds both theoretical and practical error and that traces them back to a common root: the operation of rationalizing by theoretical and practical reason. I analyze different kinds of theoretical and practical errors and show how they are grounded in reason’s general propensity to rationalize. The paper exposes this (...)
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    Deontic logics for prioritized imperatives.Jörg Hansen - 2006 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 14 (1-2):1-34.
    When a conflict of duties arises, a resolution is often sought by use of an ordering of priority or importance. This paper examines how such a conflict resolution works, compares mechanisms that have been proposed in the literature, and gives preference to one developed by Brewka and Nebel. I distinguish between two cases – that some conflicts may remain unresolved, and that a priority ordering can be determined that resolves all – and provide semantics and axiomatic systems for accordingly defined (...)
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    Symmetrical twins: On the relationship between Actor-Network theory and the sociology of critical capacities.Jörg Potthast & Michael Guggenheim - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (2):157-178.
    This article explores the elective affinities between Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and the sociology of critical capacities. It argues that these two research programmes can be understood as symmetrical twins. We show the extent to which the exchange between Bruno Latour and Luc Boltanski has influenced their respective theoretical developments. Three strong encounters between the twin research programmes may be distinguished. The first encounter concerns explanations for social change. The second encounter focuses on the status of objects and their relationship to (...)
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    Jenseits der Täuschungen: Selbsterkenntnis und Selbstbestimmung mit Sokrates.Jörg Hardy - 2011 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    English summary: This book is both a study about the Socratic-Platonic conception of a good life, and an analytical study on self-knowledge, self-determination, and moral motivation.
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    Higher Necessity.Jörg U. Noller - 2020 - Idealistic Studies 50 (1):33-49.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze Schelling’s compatibilist account of freedom of the will particularly in his Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom. I shall argue that against Kant’s transcendental compatibilism Schelling proposes a “volitional compatibilism,” according to which the free will emerges out of nature and is not identical to practical reason as Kant claims. Finally, I will relate Schelling’s volitional compatibilism to more recent accounts of free will in order to better understand what he (...)
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    Armutsexternalitäten: Verfassungsökonomische Rechtfertigung für eine kollektive Grundsicherung.Jörg Märkt - 2003 - Analyse & Kritik 25 (1):80-100.
    This paper analyzes the institution of benefit payments from the constitutional economics point of view. Benefit payments cannot be legitimized only by the veil of uncertainty about the personal future income position. From the constitutional economics perspective, they are only justified if externalities of poverty as a genuine public good problem are taken into account. A system of public benefit payments raise up two problems: first it has to overcome the problem of free-riding with regard to transfer payments, and secondly (...)
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    Andrea Kern/Christian Kietzmann (Hgg.), Selbstbewusstes Leben: Texte zu einer transformativen Theorie der menschlichen Subjektivität.Jörg Noller - 2018 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 125 (2):314-315.
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    Jenseits von Affektivismus und Intellektualismus: Kants kompatibilistische Theorie der Achtung.Jörg Noller - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (3):400-424.
    In recent times, Kant’s theory of the moral feeling of respect has increasingly come to the centre of Kant research. His diverse and seemingly contradictory characterisations of this feeling in particular have led to continued controversial discussion. While a number of scholars try to understand the special role of respect in Kant by isolating this feeling from its conceptual context or solely referring to its role as moral motivation, I will concentrate on the systemic position of respect within the framework (...)
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    Aesthetic freedom and democratic ethical life: A Hegelian account of the relationship between aesthetics and democratic politics.Jörg Schaub - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):75-97.
    This paper presents a novel Hegelian view of the relationship between aesthetics and democratic politics. My account avoids the drawbacks associated with approaches that reconceive all of the political in aesthetic terms or reduce the aesthetic to art. Instead, I maintain that the aesthetic is best understood as a distinct relationship of individual freedom. My argument proceeds by highlighting shortcomings of Honneth’s account of democratic Sittlichkeit and then addressing these impasses by integrating aesthetic freedom into the picture. The first two (...)
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  33. Warum kein Hegelianer sein.Jörg Splett - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (3):1079-1096.
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  34. Sobre la relación de alma y cuerpo en Alberto Magno.Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp - 2007 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 14:151-159.
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    Mad families, splitting families and large continuum.Jörg Brendle & Vera Fischer - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (1):198 - 208.
    Let κ < λ be regular uncountable cardinals. Using a finite support iteration (in fact a matrix iteration) of ccc posets we obtain the consistency of b = a = κ < s = λ. If μ is a measurable cardinal and μ < κ < λ, then using similar techniques we obtain the consistency of b = κ < a = s = λ.
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    Forcing indestructibility of MAD families.Jörg Brendle & Shunsuke Yatabe - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 132 (2):271-312.
    Let A[ω]ω be a maximal almost disjoint family and assume P is a forcing notion. Say A is P-indestructible if A is still maximal in any P-generic extension. We investigate P-indestructibility for several classical forcing notions P. In particular, we provide a combinatorial characterization of P-indestructibility and, assuming a fragment of MA, we construct maximal almost disjoint families which are P-indestructible yet Q-destructible for several pairs of forcing notions . We close with a detailed investigation of iterated Sacks indestructibility.
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    Countable Fréchet Boolean groups: An independence result.Jörg Brendle & Michael Hrušák - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (3):1061-1068.
    It is relatively consistent with ZFC that every countable $FU_{fin} $ space of weight N₁ is metrizable. This provides a partial answer to a question of G. Gruenhage and P. Szeptycki [GS1].
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    Vom Unvermögen zum Un-Vermögen: Reinhold und Schelling über unmoralische Freiheit nach Kant.Jörg Noller - 2018 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 66 (2):162-182.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 66 Heft: 2 Seiten: 162-182.
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    Mob families and mad families.Jörg Brendle - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (3):183-197.
    We show the consistency of ${\frak o} <{\frak d}$ where ${\frak o}$ is the size of the smallest off-branch family, and ${\frak d}$ is as usual the dominating number. We also prove the consistency of ${\frak b} < {\frak a}$ with large continuum. Here, ${\frak b}$ is the unbounding number, and ${\frak a}$ is the almost disjointness number.
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    Bounding, splitting, and almost disjointness.Jörg Brendle & Dilip Raghavan - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (2):631-651.
    We investigate some aspects of bounding, splitting, and almost disjointness. In particular, we investigate the relationship between the bounding number, the closed almost disjointness number, the splitting number, and the existence of certain kinds of splitting families.
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  41. Ordenadores y ecología: una reflexión necesaria.Jörg Becker - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 81:20-25.
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    Combinatorics of ultrafilters on Cohen and random algebras.Jörg Brendle & Francesco Parente - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (1):109-126.
    We investigate the structure of ultrafilters on Boolean algebras in the framework of Tukey reducibility. In particular, this paper provides several techniques to construct ultrafilters which are not Tukey maximal. Furthermore, we connect this analysis with a cardinal invariant of Boolean algebras, the ultrafilter number, and prove consistency results concerning its possible values on Cohen and random algebras.
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    Die Erinnerung an die Zerstörung Mailands 1162.Jörg W. Busch - 2000 - Das Mittelalter 5 (2).
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    Frontmatter.Jörg Dierken & Andreas Arndt - 2016 - In Andreas Arndt & Jörg Dierken (eds.), Friedrich Schleiermachers Hermeneutik. Interpretationen und Perspektiven. Boston: de Gruyter.
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    Siglen.Jörg Dierken & Andreas Arndt - 2016 - In Andreas Arndt & Jörg Dierken (eds.), Friedrich Schleiermachers Hermeneutik. Interpretationen und Perspektiven. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 225-226.
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    Manuscript Cultures: Mapping the Field.Jörg Quenzer, Dmitry Bondarev & Jan-Ulrich Sobisch (eds.) - 2014 - De Gruyter.
    What do Mesoamerica, Greece, Byzantium, Island, Chad, Ethiopia, India, Tibet, China and Japan have in common? Like many other cultures of the world, they share a particular form of cultural heritage: ancient handwritten documents. In 2007, scholars from some 20 countries around the world gathered at the University of Copenhagen for a workshop on manuscripts to compare notes. This event led to the publication of this volume, which brings together 16 articles on philological, cultural, and material aspects of manuscripts in (...)
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  47. Morals.Jörg Zirfas - 2003 - Education and Culture. In: Culture and Education. European Studies in Education 16:38-51.
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    Halfway new cardinal characteristics.Jörg Brendle, Lorenz J. Halbeisen, Lukas Daniel Klausner, Marc Lischka & Saharon Shelah - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (9):103303.
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    4 Heidegger, George und die Literaturwissenschaft.Jörg Appelhans - 2002 - In Martin Heideggers ungeschriebene Poetologie. de Gruyter. pp. 326-421.
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    Himmel ohne Gott. Zum Problem von Weltbild und Metaphysik.Jörg Baur - 1969 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 11 (1):1-12.
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